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Faculty & Staff


Dedication. Expertise. Passion.

Our Lecturers are highly trained professionals, with great Successful within their own expertise.

Our excellently trained staffs come from a diverse range of countries and yet work together in a rewarding way. This is the finest expression of tolerance, which in itself is one of the most important requirements for the management industry. They are also open to students from around the world. Friendly and empathetic, they create a convivial, familiar atmosphere and give students the opportunity to become acquainted with other cultures. Our entire workforce, from the academy’s managers and teachers, demonstrates a commitment that is well beyond what is required. Business education is close to the hearts of our lecturers. They, therefore, do everything possible to prepare their students well for the fascinating world of business. Their enthusiasm is contagious and motivates students to engage themselves in modern and innovative teaching methods.

Our entire Lecturer department holds at least a Master, if you are interested in working with us, and you hold at least a Master, please contact us and send us your CV.  

(except The Patron, Chancellor, and OUS QUALITY TEAM "AQT" members)

Note: the country next to the name is either the Nationality or the Living Address.

Note: the Country next to the name is either the Nationality or the Living Address.

OUS works for legal documents with an external office of legal affairs

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